Out-Thinking Pain: How the Mind can Control Pain
Dr. Catherine Bushnell, President of the Canadian Pain Society, gives a dynamic presentation on how brain scans show that psychological factors have an important influence on pain perception. Both in the clinic and in experimental settings, it has been… Read the restUsing a Pain Journal to Improve Chronic Pain Management
Today I met with a friend and we were talking about living with our chronic pain. I told him one of my most valuable tools when having prolonged pain flare up periods was to get back… Read the restTreating Chronic Pain With Ketamine
By Christine Lin Epoch Times
“While ketamine does not cure neuropathic pain, treatment can put the patient into remission long enough to give the nervous system a chance to repair itself. NEW YORK—As human beings, we instinctively avoid pain—the sting … Read the rest
How to Be a Better Friend, Spouse, or Relative to Someone with FM or a Chronic Pain Condition
How to be a better friend, spouse or relative to someone with FM or a chronic pain condition.Do you know someone who was diagnosed with fibromyalgia (FM) or a chronic pain illness? Perhaps they are disabled from working due… Read the rest
The Benefits Of Essential Oils For Chronic Pain
Are you living with chronic pain? If so, you may have become dependent on prescription pain relievers, narcotics, or steroids. Long-term use of these synthetic drugs can cause serious side effects. This is why it is a good idea to… Read the rest