Chronic Pain, It's a Family Affair
Chronic Pain, It's a Family Affair
Disabled Diva
Sept 8, 2014
… Read the rest
Disabled Diva
Sept 8, 2014
Most blogs and books about living with chronic pain focus on the feelings of the one in pain.
Love, Gratitude and Dad
Those of us living with chronic pain and illness know all too intimately the suggestion to find the good in our circumstances. We pour over positive affirmations and self-help books, journal, meditate, bang our heads on the wall and stomp… Read the rest
complex regional pain syndrome CRPS/RSD: sheila’s story as told by her husband
Dave and I had been roommates in Salt Lake when I met Cody back in 2000. He was always quiet and funny, waxing poetic about moldy coffee or snow leopards. Cody and I were both surprised when he and my … Read the rest
How to Be a Better Friend, Spouse, or Relative to Someone with FM or a Chronic Pain Condition
How to be a better friend, spouse or relative to someone with FM or a chronic pain condition.Do you know someone who was diagnosed with fibromyalgia (FM) or a chronic pain illness? Perhaps they are disabled from working due… Read the rest
Chronic Pain Can be Lonely: Nine Ways to Reconnect – Chronic pain can make it hard to feel connected to others. Pain puts a strain on friendship – whether you have fibromyalgia, headaches, back pain, arthritis, or any other type of chronic pain. You may have found that… Read the rest