How Madonna Got Her ‘Olympian Arms!’

reprint from Star- David Caplan & Max Tracy

Fitness fanatic Madonna is now strapping herself into a torture chamber-like contraption to help maintain her long and lean physique. The results? Shockingly muscular fat free arms! Each week, the 46-year-old mother of two is chauffeur-driven to fitness trainer James D’Silva’s London studio and climbs into the $6,400 wooden Gyrotonic Expansion System – a.k.a. “The Rack”.

It features straps to hoist Madge’s legs and arms toward the ceiling, and huge rotating weights to push around in circles. The movements are based on elements of yoga, dance, tai chi and swimming.

Madonna was persuaded by D’Silva to share the weekly 90-minutes, $165 sessions on “The Rack” after she began taking Pilates classes in his studio.

Matt Aversa, director of the Pennsylvanian-based Gyrotonic company, says the machine “creates muscle that is strong and has suppleness and dexterity. This will decrease the chance of injury and prepare Madonna’s body for performing.”…view the original article

Posted on: 01/05/2012, by : Jacqui