New research sheds light on mysterious fibromyalgia pain
By Karen Weintraub Special for USA TODAY
Fibromyalgia affects 1% to 5% of Americans, mainly women, but until recently, scientists had no idea what might be causing its severe and mysterious pains. For decades, doctors told patients their agony was … Read the rest
NIH-funded study suggests brain is hard-wired for chronic pain
Brain’s white matter may determine susceptibility to chronic pain
Scientists used the structure of the brain’s white matter (green lines) to predict whether a subject would recover from low back pain. Red dots represent differences… Read the restOut-Thinking Pain: How the Mind can Control Pain
Dr. Catherine Bushnell, President of the Canadian Pain Society, gives a dynamic presentation on how brain scans show that psychological factors have an important influence on pain perception. Both in the clinic and in experimental settings, it has been… Read the rest