My Story of Hip Pain & Healing from Gyrotonic® Movement
by Diane Driscoll from Core Radiance Gyrotonic
I was a runner for many years. Having been obese as an adolescent it helped me to control my weight and my appetite. And, more importantly, it felt good. I had my first … Read the rest
What's the difference between GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS®?
excerpt from ShareCare from Michael Luque
GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® are two halves of a complete whole. They’re not cousins, they’re fraternal twins! GYROTONIC® is the equipment work based off the movement patterns developed by Juliu Horvath in what is now… Read the restWhat’s the difference between GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS®?
excerpt from ShareCarefrom Michael Luque
GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® are two halves of a complete whole. They’re not cousins, they’re fraternal twins!
GYROTONIC® is the equipment work based off the movement patterns developed by Juliu Horvath in what is now … Read the rest
GYROKINESIS®: Improve Your Posture with 6 Easy Moves
excerpt from Whole Livingbody+soul in balance
Go with the Flow
Sit for hours hunched in a chair, as many of us do, and your body will actually start to develop a case of perma-slump. While this stance may seem relaxed,
… Read the restGYROTONIC® Testimonial for SynergySystems Studio from John
If you’re a guy and think this is kind of sissy like, I will tell you, just come out here and try it… – John R
John, a client of SynergySystems Studio, Encinitas, CA, talks a little bit about … Read the rest