My Story of Hip Pain & Healing from Gyrotonic® Movement
by Diane Driscoll from Core Radiance Gyrotonic
I was a runner for many years. Having been obese as an adolescent it helped me to control my weight and my appetite. And, more importantly, it felt good. I had my first … Read the rest
It Makes Me Happy
PilatesDigest by Deborah McKeever-Watson
Chances are, you know a lot about Pilates. Chances are you do not know a lot about GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM®. GYROTONIC®is a relatively new fitness system (late 1970’s) touted by the likes… Read the restWax on, Wax off: Way Beyond Pilates
excerpt from – Theresa Loong
Bored with your Pilates workout? Looking to challenge your yoga technique? Try the Gyrotonic Expansion System, nicknamed GXS, for an intense diversion.
Be forewarned – the GXS machines look like large instruments of … Read the rest
What’s the difference between GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS®?
excerpt from ShareCarefrom Michael Luque
GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® are two halves of a complete whole. They’re not cousins, they’re fraternal twins!
GYROTONIC® is the equipment work based off the movement patterns developed by Juliu Horvath in what is now … Read the rest